Welcome Prof. Zhengyuan XU, University of Science and Technology of China, China to be the Keynote Speaker of EITCE 2024!
Welcome Prof. Zhengyuan XU, University of Science and Technology of China, China to be the Keynote Speaker of EITCE 2024!



Prof. Zhengyuan XU, University of Science and Technology of China, China


Zhengyuan Xu is a chair professor, doctoral supervisor, academic committee member, director of the Optical Wireless Communication and Network Research Center, at the University of Science and Technology of China, as well as a founding director of the Key Laboratory of Wireless Optical Communication at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), national distinguished expert, and chief scientist of the National 973 Program and the National Key R&D Program. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Tsinghua University and a doctoral degree from Stevens Institute of Technology in the United States. He has served as a tenured professor at the University of California, Riverside, founding director of the Ubiquitous Optical Communication Research Center at the University of California, a tenured professor at Tsinghua University, and vice dean of the School of Information Science and Technology at the University of Science and Technology of China. He is mainly engaged in theoretical and experimental research on mobile communication and optical communication, including Petahertz communication, optical wireless communication, broadband mobile communication, localization and sensing, intelligent networks, wireless communication big data, etc. As the project leader, he has undertaken national projects such as the National 973 Program, National Key R&D Program, and Key Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, as well as industry cooperation projects. He has published more than 400 academic papers, 3 monographs, and gained over 10000 citations on Google Scholar. Since 2014, he has been included in the Elsevier China Highly Cited Scholars list year by year. He has more than 30 national and international invention patents authorized, and some of the achievements have been selected for the China Basic Research Development Report. He has served as the associate editor of IEEE and OPTICA journals for many years, executive member of the Chinese Society of Optical Engineering, chairman of the Guangdong Smart Visible Light Industry Technology Innovation Alliance, and has been invited multiple times to serve as a national research and talent project evaluation expert. He was the founding chairman of the first IEEE International Workshop on Optical Wireless Communication in 2010. 

徐正元,中国科学技术大学讲席教授、博士生导师、学术委员会委员、无线光通信与网络研究中心主任,中科 院无线光电通信重点实验室创始主任,国家 特聘专家,国家973计划和国家重点研发计划首席科学家。获得清华大学学士和硕士学位,以及美国史蒂文斯理工学院博士学位,曾任加州大学河滨分校终身教授、加州大学泛在光通信研究中心创始主任、清华大学终身教授、中国科学技术大学信息科学技术学院副院长。主要从事移动通信与光通信的理论和实验研究,包括拍赫兹通信,无线光通信,宽带移动通信,定位与感知,智能网络,无线通信大数据等。作为项目负责人承担了国家973计划、国家重点研发计划、国家基金委重点项目等国家项目以及企业合作项目。共发表400多篇学术论文,3部专著,在谷歌学术上获得10000多次引用,自2014年以来,逐年被列入爱思唯尔中国高被引学者榜单。拥有30多项国家和国际发明专利授权,部分成果入选《中国基础研究发展报告》。担任多年IEEE和OPTICA期刊副编辑,中国光学工程学会常务理事,广东省智慧可见光产业技术创新联盟理事长,多次受邀担任国家科研与人才项目评审专家。为2010年第一届IEEE无线光通信国际研讨会的创始主席。